Category: Sponsored Content and Brand Journalism
AT&T – Hackathon Blog Posts
To encourage its growing enterprise developer community, AT&T Mobility engaged venTAJA to help draft hackathon-related blog posts for its corporate Networking Exchange Blog and sponsored articles.
Hackathon App Uses Neuroscience and APIs to Screen Calls • CodeProject – AT&T M2M Challenge
AT&T – Contributed Article
The construction industry was among the first to adopt cellular technologies like push-to-talk (PTT). As a longtime provider of B2B wireless services, AT&T Mobility hired venTAJA to write a contributed article for targeted publications, outlining the opportunity, advantages and technology around PTT.
Dell Software – Brand Journalism
Following its parent company’s foray into brand journalism, Dell Software engaged venTAJA for a series of content along the theme of “Real IT.” The series highlighted realistic case studies of IT managers solving problems with Dell Software products.
Saving lives and finding peace of mind • Setting a goal and defending it