St. Augustine High School – Feature Articles

The school’s monthly newspaper, Saints Scene, goes out to all students’ families, alumni, neighboring businesses and residents. Its mission is to report on campus events, developments and personalities. John White of venTAJA has written several feature newspaper articles, press releases and development/advancement pieces for editorial staff and school administrators, including articles picked up by the local press.

It’s a Cross Country Thing Intersession: Dozens of New Ways to Learn Freshman Salsa Lessons in the Gym 2009-10 Annual Report Volleyball: How’s Our Wood Taste? Student Internships Paying Off (San Diego Union-Tribune)

The University of Akron/e-Read Ohio – Backgrounder and Annual Reports

As part of its role in Reading First Ohio, the center at University of Akron has created content for professional development (training) of literacy teachers. The courseware takes eLearning to new heights, helping instructors statewide apply scientifically based reading research (SBRR) in assessing, planning, and teaching in accordance with Ohio’s English-Language Arts standards. The Akron center engaged venTAJA for an organization backgrounder and annual reports.

 • e-Read Ohio Organization Backgrounder

Apperson Education Products – White Paper

Apperson’s education products include scanners for grading standardized test forms. Among their customers are hundreds of school districts tasked with aggregating student test scores and reporting on them for No Child Left Behind. They engaged their public relations firm, Purematter, to help position their optical mark recognition (OMR) technology against that of their competitors. Purematter engaged a former journalist to write a lead-generation piece, but the resulting paper fell short of Apperson’s expectations, so venTAJA rewrote the white paper to focus on the problems of Apperson’s customers: the flow of assessment data from classroom- to district-level.

Data-Driven District Administrators Use OMR to Enhance Accountability

Cleveland State University/Reading First Ohio – White Papers

A joint effort by Cleveland State University, University of Akron and John Carroll University, Reading First Ohio is a literacy improvement program for students in kindergarten through third grade. Funded by the federal Reading First initiative in No Child Left Behind, Ohio’s program focuses on “teaching teachers how to teach reading” and on scientifically based reading research (SBRR). Reading First Ohio engaged venTAJA to write a white paper debunking several myths about its methods and requirements.

Reading First Ohio – Overcoming Common Myths